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Posted by shinerealty on March 18, 2021
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Hang on to your hats, Queensland, and prepare to get soaked as the threat of La Nina and a damaging, and potentially dangerous storm season, brews over our state.

Strata living presents its own unique challenges during the storm season, and with potentially 1.2 million people choosing this kind of accommodation, it is wise to minimise the risk through storm preparedness.

Five things you can do to prepare:

  • Contact your BC or property manager to see if there are maintenance issues to attend to.
  • Know and understand evacuation procedures for your building.
  • Check the flood map and storm information supplied by the Bureau of Meteorology.
  • Secure any objects that are not part of the building, i.e., BBQs, tables, chairs, and plants.
  • Make a note of potential hazards on or near your property, such as trees or blocked drains.

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